Forgiveness is at the core of the Gospel message, and what Jesus
taught us in the Lord’s Prayer
"Anthony was walking with his nephew in the buggy. I passed him on the way, we waved, and that was one of the last times I would see him." Only hours after this innocent greeting between mother and son, Anthony Walker was killed in a racially motivated attack in Huyton, Liverpool. From this moment in 2005, things would profoundly change for Anthony’s mother, Gee, and his whole family.
In a remarkable story of tragedy, forgiveness and peace, Gee has become a beacon of hope. She has spoken of how God’s love is a constant source of strength that enabled her to forgive her son’s killers. She has shown how, out of darkness, God’s love can transform suffering and change lives.
Part of this transformation has been the setting up of the Anthony Walker Foundation. This charity aims to tackle racism, support those experiencing hate crime, and build safer, stronger, thriving places for all to live in.
To mark Peace Sunday, Gee will be talking on the theme of “Forgive us our trespasses: grant us your peace”. This is the subject Pope Francis has chosen for Peace Sunday, which will be celebrated by Archbishop Malcolm prior to Gee’s talk on 19 January 2025.
Forgiveness is at the core of the Gospel message and what Jesus taught us in the Lord’s Prayer. This is reflected in Church teaching. “Forgiveness,” wrote Pope John Paul II in 1980, “demonstrates the presence in the world of the love which is more powerful than sin. Forgiveness is also the fundamental condition for reconciliation, not only in the relationship of God with man, but also in relationships between people.”
If you would like to hear Gee’s story, you are welcome to attend the Metropolitan Cathedral for the Pax Christi Peace Sunday Mass at 11am on 19 January 2025. This will be followed by a talk from Gee as part of the Justice and Peace Memorial lecture in the Cathedral’s Gibberd Room from 1pm. Join Gee Walker and Pax Christi President Archbishop Malcolm for what should be a very good afternoon. Please contact Pablo for further details about the talk at p.guidi@rcaol.org.uk and visit www.anthonywalkerfoundation.com for information on its work.

News from around the Archdiocese of Liverpool
Focus on Jubilee: A Mother’s Forgiveness