The Jubilee Year was officially inaugurated within the archdiocese by Archbishop Malcolm at the Mass for the Holy Family on 29 December, and so we begin the New Year as Pilgrims of Hope.
As we ask the Lord’s Blessing in this coming year, may we maintain this sense of Hope for our world, our archdiocese and ourselves and our families as we journey through 2025.
The Solemnity of the Epiphany is celebrated on the weekend of 4/5 January this year. To emphasise the importance of the Feast and the fact that for a large part of the Christian world it is their Christmas Day, we have an afternoon Carol Service of readings and hymns at 3pm to add to the joyful celebrations of the day.
Archbishop Malcolm will preside at 11am Mass on 19 January for Peace Sunday, followed by a talk organised by Pax Christi given by Gee Walker. With the various conflicts and instability around the world at present, it is important that prayers and efforts to build peace will be a significant part of our journey through this Jubilee Year. This is also the Sunday in the middle of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity and we will have a Joint Choral Evening Prayer at Liverpool Cathedral to come together in prayer as we do each year.
Later in the week, Hope University stage their Winter Graduations on Thursday 23 January, bringing a dash of colour and joyful celebration in the midst of what is normally a gloomy and dismal time of the year.
The Chapter of Canons meet and celebrate Mass at the end of the month and we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation, which marks the end of Christmastide, on Sunday 2 February.

News from around the Archdiocese of Liverpool
Cathedral Record
The Chapter of Canons meet and celebrate Mass at the end of the
month and we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation