The children have also embraced the subject of biodiversity and have learnt how to make bird feeders to entice wildlife back to the Forest School site
An Eco Club has been set up at St Nicholas Catholic Academy. The children have been so pro-active in wanting to look after the school and the local environment that they have started their eco journey by focusing on areas including litter, biodiversity and energy.
In collaboration with Liverpool John Moores University Forest School, the children have enjoyed activities including litter picking on both sites, learning which items are recyclable and non-recyclable. They have also taken great pride in keeping their own school environment free from litter and are also planning for the Eco Club to join in litter picking days in the local community.
The children have also embraced the subject of biodiversity and have learnt how to make bird feeders to entice wildlife back to the Forest School site. They were also delighted to toast marshmallows, with halal and vegetarian marshmallows offered, on the forest school fire pit. This was an excellent exercise to encourage teamwork with the pupils, socialising and helping their peers. The activity ended with a rapturous ‘Thank you’ to the Liverpool John Moores University students who helped out. It was a great experience for all.
The Club also took great delight in hanging feeders up and around the trees in the school itself. Following this, it has been wonderful to see robins and blue tits back on the school site, enjoying the bird food that the children have provided.
Plans are underway for the Eco Club to help to plant bulbs for flowering in spring to invite butterflies into the school grounds and to discuss energy usage at school and sustainability.

News from around the Archdiocese of Liverpool
Little Green Fingers: Eco Club Blooms at St Nicholas Catholic Academy