
News from around the Archdiocese of Liverpool
by Paul Pimblett
One of the questions I am often asked by people when they find out I am studying for the priesthood is often something along the lines of: “What made you want to become a priest?”
I love being asked this question as it allows me to reflect on my vocation and formation journey thus far.
I also enjoy being asked because I am then able to give the equally frustrating answer of “I can’t describe it.” Unlike my namesake, I have not experienced a blinding light on the road to Damascus. I have never been privileged to have an epiphany or the kind of conversion experience many have had. Rather, I have always had a solid, unchanging and constant awareness of God’s presence in my life. I have never taken my faith for granted; it is essentially who I am. It has been in that part of my life, throughout the years, that I have felt the still small voice of calm. I, unlike Samuel, never heard the Lord directly calling me by name. What I did experience was an inexplicable, growing sense of comfort and peace in the Lord and His Church which, through His grace, I was able to admit was an invitation to discernment.
This has not been without its challenges. I do not know why the Lord placed a call to discernment in my heart of all people. There have also been difficulties along the way. Doubts, anxieties and worries have persisted, as they do for us all in our faith journeys. There is great cause for despair in our world with so much violence, disregard for the dignity and sanctity of human life and a general lack of faith. I have also lost count of the times people have told me “The Church is doomed, it needs to change,” or “No one bothers or comes anymore.” However, just as I have always found strength in my faith, I find indescribable strength in the Church, the Lord’s presence in the Eucharist and Our Lady’s intercession. The Lord told St Peter he was the rock on which He would build His Church and I firmly believe I am being called to be formed as one of His priests.
As always, it is a great joy to be able to share my journey with you all. Pray for me and be assured I always pray for you!
Pastoral Ponderings
I love being asked this question as it allows me to reflect on my vocation